When life cycles...

With a camera in hand, I was witness to how life moves on and forward.  My beautiful niece radiated as she helped all of us see what we need to see.  Set on a picturesque Northern Woods lake, we all found joy in their happy place.  Life cycles and moves forward because that is the way it works...a new day, the sun shines, and there are new beginnings.  There is hope and happiness, even after the storm. I hesitate to write about the elephant in the room, not wanting to dampen one second of the momentum, but it is impossible to ignore the absence of the person who taught us all the meaning of love.  But she was there, she was always there, always all around us.  She was there in the celebration and all of us carried her smile from within.  It is because of her foundation that got us here, watching what can happen on a pontoon boat, in the middle of a remote lake, surrounded by the most incredible light and love.  Thank you Drew for sharing the next journey, the next cycle, the new day.